Lorne Park Living w/ Anuja Pereira
Lorne Park Living w/ Anuja Pereira
S2E2 - Christine Hull
If you are a Mississauga woman in business - Christine Hull is a name you should know. In addition to being owner of her own enterprise geared at supporting other companies - she founded two organizations that continue to change the experience of Mississauga women. She started the Mississauga & Area Women in Business Network as well as reviving and leading the Mississauga chapter of a philanthropic organization called 100 Women Who Care. All this while raising 3 children with her husband and being a contributing member of her community.
Connect with Christine - christine@mawb.ca
Mississauga & Area Women in Business Networking Group - https://mississaugawomeninbusiness.com/
100 Women Who Care Mississauga - https://100womenwhocaremississauga.com
Do you know someone from South Mississauga who would make a great guest on the show? Send your suggestion to anuja@anujapereira.com
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